Tuesday, December 20, 2005


Elsewhere in the blogosphere...

The Peoria Pundit discussed a mountain of documents (sans index) submitted in connection with a pending LF expansion application in Illinois. The Peoria Pundit also wrote yesterday that he has yet to read or hear a convincing argument against expansion -- maybe he would consider news of the recent Dartmouth arsenic study, posted here last week, to be a somewhat convincing factoid against landfill expansion?

Michigan House Dems took some blog-shots today at rivals across the Lansing aisle due to the looming lapse of that state's Canadian trash ban. The aptly named House Rep., Kathy Angerer, fumed about the imminent expiration of the foreign garbage moratorium, "Michigan's glut of landfill space has turned our beautiful state into a trash magnet," she said. Take the trash-o-meter for a spin and stop by the Don't Trash Michigan site to learn more about Canada's newest export. Read more