Sunday, January 15, 2006


Landfills cause stink with residents

A bulldozer flattens waste Wednesday afternoon at Oakwood Landfill in Jasper County (South Carolina).

Gazette photo by Megan Lovett
By Michael R. Shea
The Beaufort Gazette
Published Thursday, January 12, 2006

RIDGELAND, S.C. -- At 74 years old, Oswell Malphrus still likes to spend time outside his S.C. 462 home. While cutting tree limbs in February, he smashed his ankle, and two months later his wife of 52 years suffered a stroke.

Now the couple don't get outside as much as they'd like to, but these days the air isn't exactly fresh either.

Residents on S.C. 462 -- the main east-west artery between northern Beaufort and Jasper counties -- are neighbors with two Waste Management-owned landfills.

With heavy winter rains and cold, calm nights, the neighborhood is starting to stink. . . . Read more