Friday, February 10, 2006


Landfill contaminates major aquifer

Water rules go to voters

By James J. Allen
The Hampton Union

NORTH HAMPTON, NH - An amendment to protect town drinking water supplies will go before voters on March 14.
The zoning amendment would ban Laundromats, car repair garages and hair salons among other businesses from areas near drinking water sources.

The two major, usable aquifers within North Hampton limits are being tapped to capacity. In addition to ensuring the town’s drinking water remains clean and preventing future contamination, a proposal to protect those aquifers also aims to heighten awareness of the town’s future water needs.

The Planning Board’s Richard Goeselt, who helped draw up the protection amendment, said the impetus was an understanding more than a year ago that the town needed to "beef up" regulations protecting its drinking water.

The town has three major aquifers, but one near Post and Cherry roads was contaminated due to its proximity to the Coakley Landfill. [emphasis added] . . . . Read more