Friday, February 03, 2006


Landfill stench draws complaints

By Scott Spitler
Tauton Gazette Staff Writer

Anyone living within sniffing distance of the city landfill can expect a certain level of unpleasantness, but for Mary Butler and other residents of Floral Street the stench has been getting progressively worse

TAUTON, Mass - "I think it has gotten stronger as the years have gone by," Butler, who has lived on Floral for 45 years, said yesterday. "When you get up in the morning or late at night and you go to the door it is really putrid."

The smell has drawn the attention of the City Council and pressure is being put on Waste Management Inc., the company operating the dump, to alleviate the odor problem.

"I don't hope they're going to do something, I know they're going to do something or the full weight of the municipal council will force them to," said Daniel Mansour Barbour, a City Councilor and resident of Floral Street for 36 years. . . Read more