Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Landfill rule might keep out garbage from Cleveland

BY Robert Wang
The Canton Repository

OHIO - The waste industry is trying to stop the approval of a rule that could prohibit local landfills from accepting trash from Cleveland or other Cuyahoga County cities if they don’t recycle enough.

“Anytime there’s a prohibition of waste, we are not in favor of that,” said Peggy Macenas, the regional manager of the National Solid Wastes Management Association.

The association’s lawyer sent a letter to the Stark-Tuscarawas-Wayne Joint Solid Waste Management District last week saying the association could file a lawsuit if the rule passes.

But Tuscarawas County Commissioner Kerry Metzger, a key proponent of the rule, isn’t backing down. He doesn’t like that about 75 percent of the district landfill space is being used for waste from outside the district — most of which comes from Cuyahoga and Summit counties. ... Read more.