Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Landfill fire expert Todd Thalhamer's report to the EPA

The Canton Repository

Director Chris Korleski (Chris),

As you and your staff requested, I would like to take this opportunity to provide you with my preliminary opinions and recommendations for the incident at Countywide RDF (CRDF). I understand you have a decision to formulate concerning the site issues by February 21, 2007. Should you desire a report of my findings and opinions I request you contact my agency in writing so I may account for the work time to develop the report.

During the past two weeks I have attempted to collect data to examine the “heating event” at CRDF. Your staff and Countywide RDF staff have gone beyond my expectations is assisting. Countywide RDF was able to sample and collect carbon monoxide and temperatures within seven days of the initial request. An immense effort both in time and money has been put forth to understand the complexity of this reaction. While more data collection is necessary to indicate a trend for the reaction occurring at the landfill, verify my conclusions, clarify a few data anomalies, and adequately characterize the landfill gas composition, I have been able to develop my opinion on this incident....Read more.