Countywide LF employee's spouse responds to Kay Huth's comments in Canton Repository
Name: tina deal
Hometown: canton
Comment: I understand your frustation [sic] but Republic Waste wants to build a ramp...the money is still available but the lawsuits brought on by the many watch groups prohibit them. Sure my husband would love to drive off the ramp and right into the would make his job so much easier but instead he has to go 7 miles out of his way around the Dueber extension and if you've ever been that way in spring it ususally [sic] is about 10 [sic] under now what?? He works for Republic and does his's corporate America at it's [sic] finest. If McDonald's wanted to put in a new store it should be made to expand the exsisting [sic] parking lot(but the state always will put in for improvement) or if Belden Village needs more roads because everybody sees a gold mine in the real estate and it and they will come...but only if the state helps........see corporate business. Why can't they have the same opportunity to have that state and local funding help??? Is it because it has reared it's [sic] ugly head and it's a landfill not a shopping center??? Yes they have had things slip by....but heck since you know so much you know that hundreds of trucks dump [sic] and well there is always a plus or – [minus] in business. NOBODY is perfect!!!
Email: Mckseniormommad@address omitted
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