Friday, February 03, 2006


Citizens pack Ohio EPA hearing in Stark

"American" Landfill called unsafe

Grass-roots group urges state agency to reject proposal for site expansion
By Bob Downing
Beacon Journal Staff Writer

MAGNOLIA - Waste Management filed the expansion request in 1999. Its American Landfill Inc. is seeking a vertical and lateral expansion of the 234-acre landfill.

The lateral expansion would add 160 acres to the west and east of the current landfill. The vertical expansion would allow the company to pile the trash higher on 178 acres.

Waynesburg resident Brenda Griffith (left) questions Ohio EPA official Kurt Princic in a public hearing Thursday night in Sandy Valley High School. The EPA is considering a request to expand the 234-acre American Landfill in Stark County's Sandy Township. Mike Cardew / Akron Beacon Journal

That would bring the total landfill capacity to nearly 125 million cubic yards, enough to fill Akron's Rubber Bowl more than 640 times. It would extend the landfill's life by at least 18 years.
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