Saturday, August 04, 2007


Landfill area road repairs funded

The Times-Reporter

BOLIVAR - Stark County Engineer Mike Rehfus will get $100,000 toward road repairs around Countywide Recycling and Disposal Facility after the board of directors of the Stark-Tuscarawas-Wayne Joint Solid Waste Management District unanimously approved the request during Friday’s meeting.

In May, Rehfus asked for $147,756 to repair the narrow county roads trash haulers travel daily – Fohl Rd., Gracemont St., Sherman Church Rd. and Dueber Ave. Rehfus said Dueber needs the most repairs. Rehfus told the board the top layer of asphalt is peeling off where the trash trucks turn, which causes distress to the pavement.

Countywide is located in Pike Township of Stark County and more than 300 trash hauling trucks use the roads every day....Read more.